Data sync warning and error messages

Data sync warning and error messages describe problems with replicated transactions.

You can suppress these messages from being written to the ATS and RIS files. You cannot suppress code 0, DSROWCOMMITTED, which indicates that the row was committed, or code 1, DSEROW, which indicates that an error occurred.

To specify which warnings and errors to suppress, use the CDR_SUPPRESS_ATSRISWARN configuration parameter. For more information, see CDR_SUPPRESS_ATSRISWARN Configuration Parameter.
Table 1. Data sync warning and error messages
Warning or Error Code Number Description
DSEReplInsertOrder 2 Warning: Insert exception, row already exists in target table, converted to update
DSEReplUpdateOrder 3 Warning: Update exception, row does not exist in target table, converted to insert
DSEReplDeleteOrder 4 Warning: Delete exception, row does not exist in target table, saved in delete table
DSEReplInsert 5 Error: Insert aborted, row already exists in target table
DSEReplUpdate 6 Error: Update aborted, row does not exist in target table
DSEReplDelete 7 Error: Delete aborted, row does not exist in target table
DSERowLength 8 Error: Length of replicated row is greater than row size in target table
DSEDbopType 9 Error: Unknown db operation
DSENoServerTimeCol 10 Error: Missing cdrserver and/or cdrtime columns in target table
DSEConflictRule 13 Error: Unknown conflict resolution rule defined
DSELostConflictRes 14 Error: Failed conflict resolution rule
DSENoServerName 15 Error: Global catalog cannot translate replicate server id to name
DSEColMap 16 Error: Unable to remap columns selected for replication
DSEColUncomp 17 Error: Invalid char/length in VARCHAR column
DSESPRetTypeOp 18 Error: Invalid data type or unknown operation returned by stored procedure
DSESPAbortRow 19 Error: Row aborted by stored procedure
DSESPSelCols 20 Error: Number of columns returned by stored procedure not equal to the number of columns in select statement
DSESPColTypeLen 21 Error: Invalid data type or length for selected columns returned by stored procedure
DSESPError 22 Error: Error returned by user's stored procedure
DSESPInternal 23 Error: Internal error (buffer too small for stored procedure arguments
DSENoMatchKeyInsert 24 Error: No matching key delete row for key insert
DSESql 25 Error: SQL error encountered
DSEIsam 26 Error: ISAM error encountered
DSELocalDReExist 27 Warning: Local delete row has been reinserted on local server
DSELocalDOddState 28 Warning: Unable to determine if the local delete row should be updated to the delete table
DSELocalDInDelTab 29 Warning: Row already exists in delete table for the given local delete row
DSEBlobOrder 30 Warning: Row failed conflict resolution rule but one or more blob columns were accepted
DSEBlobSetToNull 31 Warning: One or more blob columns were set to NULL because data could not be sent
DSEBlobKeepLocal 32 Warning: One or more blob columns were not changed because data could not be sent
DSEBlobInvalidFlag 33 Error: Invalid user action defined for blob columns
DSEBlobAbortRow 34 Error: Row aborted by user's stored procedure due to unsent blobs
DSESPBlobRetOp 35 Error: Invalid action returned by user's stored procedure on blob columns
DSEReplDel 36  
DSENoUDTHeader 37  
DSENoUDTTrailer 38  
DSEStreamHandle 39  
DSEAttachUDREnv 40  
DSECdrreceiveSetup 41  
DSECdrreceiveCall 42  
DSECdrreceiveRetCode 43 cdrreceive returned error
DSECdrreceiveRetGarbage 44 cdrreceive returned garbage
DSEStream 45 Error reading from stream
DSEStreamAborted 46 Stream aborted by sender
DSEValStore 47  
DSECdrreceiveRetType 48 cdrreceive returned wrong type
DSEStreamOptType 49 Unrecognized stream option
DSEStreamOptLen 50 Stream option has bad length
DSEStreamOptBitmap 51 Error in changed col bitmap
DSEUnStreamColl 52 Error while unstreaming collection
DSEUnStreamRowType 53 Error while unstreaming rowtype
DSEStreamFormat 54 Unexpected or invalid data in stream
DSEStack 55 Out of stack space
DSEInternal 56 Generic internal problem
DSESmartBlobCreate 57 Error creating sblob
DSESmartBlobWrite 58 Error writing sblob
DSEStreamColConv 59 Error converting column data from the master dictionary formats to the local dictionary format
DSE2UTF8CodeSetConvErr 63 Error converting data from local database code set to UTF-8
DSEFromUTF8CodeSetConvErr 64 Error converting data from UTF-8 to local database code set.
DSE2UTF8CodeSetConvWarn 65 One or more characters were substituted during conversion from the local database code set to UTF-8.
DSEFromUTF8CodeSetConvWarn 66 One or more characters were substituted during conversion from UTF-8 to the local database code set.
DSETSSetup 67 Failed to setup environment for processing time series elements.
DSETSDelOp 68 Failed to apply time series delete statement. Statements include DelClip(), DelRange(), and DelTrim() operations.
DSETSElem 69 Failed to apply time series element.
DSEOpenTSCon 133 Failed to open time series container.

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