The syscdr_nif Table

The syscdr_nif table contains information about network connections and the flow of data between Enterprise Replication servers.

Column Type Description
nif_connid integer The CDRID of the peer node
nif_connname char(24) The name (group name) of the peer node
nif_state char(24)
The status of the Enterprise Replication network:
  • Admin Close = Enterprise Replication was stopped by user by issuing the cdr stop command
  • Connected = The connection is active
  • Connecting = The connection is being established
  • Disconnected = The connection was explicitly disconnected
  • Local server = The connection is to the local server.
  • Logic Error = The connection disconnected due to an error during message transmission
  • Never Connected = The servers have never had an active connection
  • Start Error = The connection disconnected due to an error while starting a thread to receive remote messages
  • Timeout = The connection attempt has timed out, but will be reattempted
nif_connstate char(24)
The connection state:
  • ABORT = The connection is being aborted.
  • BLOCK = The connection has been blocked from transmitting data by the other server.
  • INIT = The connection is being initialized.
  • INTR = The connection has been interrupted.
  • RUN = The connection is active.
  • SHUT = The connection is shutting down in an orderly way.
  • SLEEP = The connection is waiting to receive data.
  • STOP = The connection is stopped.
  • SUSPEND = The connection has been suspended.
  • TIMEOUT = The connection has timed out.
nif_version integer The network protocol of this connection used to convert the message formats between dissimilar releases of the server, for example, HCL Informix® 7 and HCL Informix 9
nif_msgsent integer Number of messages sent to the peer server
nif_bytessent integer Number of bytes sent to the peer server
nif_msgrcv integer Number of messages received from the peer server
nif_bytesrcv integer Number of bytes received from the peer server
nif_compress integer
Compression level for communications
  • -1 = no compression
  • 0 = compress only if the target server expects compression
  • 1 - 9 = increasing levels of compression
nif_sentblockcnt integer Number of times a flow block request was sent to the peer server to delay sending any further replicated transactions for a short time because the receive queue on the target server is full
nif_rcvblockcnt integer Number of times a flow block request was received from the peer server
nif_trgsend_stamp1 integer Stamp 1 of the last transaction sent to the peer server
nif_trgsend_stamp2 integer Stamp 2 of the last transaction sent to the peer server
nif_acksend_stamp1 integer Stamp 1 of the last acknowledgment sent to the peer server
nif_acksend_stamp2 integer Stamp 2 of last acknowledgment sent to the peer server
nif_ctrlsend_stamp1 integer Stamp 1 of the last control message sent to the peer server
nif_ctrlsend_stamp2 integer Stamp 2 of the last control message sent to the peer server
nif_syncsend_stamp1 integer Stamp 1 of the last sync message sent to the peer server
nif_syncsend_stamp2 integer Stamp 2 of the last sync message sent to the peer server
nif_starttime datetime Time that the connection was established
nif_lastsend datetime Time of the last message sent to the peer server

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