The syscdr_rcv Table

The syscdr_rcv table contains information about transactions being applied on target servers and acknowledgments being sent from target servers.

Column Type Description
rm_state char(100) The status of the receive manager and apply threads:
  • Running = Transaction apply is running normally
  • Down = Transaction apply is not running
  • Uninitialized = The server is not a source server for replication
rm_num_sleepers integer Number of data sync threads currently suspended
rm__num_dsthreads integer The current number of data sync threads
rm_min_dsthreads integer Minimum number of data sync threads
rm_max_dsthreads integer Maximum number of data sync threads
rm_ds_block integer If 1, the data sync is currently blocked to try to avoid causing a DDRBLOCK state
rm_ds_parallel integer The degree to which transactions are applied in parallel (0 through 3, inclusive):
  • 0 = the highest degree of parallelism
  • 3 = serial apply (no parallelism)
rm_ds_failrate float A computed weighted ratio that is used to determine when to change the degree of apply parallelism based on the rate of transactions that could not be applied
rm_ds_numrun integer Number of transactions run
rm_ds_lockout integer Number of lock timeouts encountered
rm_ds_lockrb integer Number of forced rollbacks due to having to switch to serial apply
rm_ds_num_deadlocks integer Number of deadlocks encountered
rm_ds_num_pcommits integer Number of out-of-order commits that have occurred
rm_ack_waiting integer Number of acknowledgments that are waiting for a log flush to return to the source server
rm_tosleep integer Total times that the data sync threads have become suspended
rm_sleeptime integer Total time that the data sync threads have been suspended
rm_workload integer The current workload
rm_optscale integer Factor determining how many data sync threads will be allowed per CPU VP
rm_min_fthreads integer Minimum acknowledgment threads
rm_max_fthreads integer Maximum acknowledgment threads
rm_ack_start char(64) Time when the acknowledgment threads started
rm_ds_start char(64) Time when the data sync threads started
rm_pending_acks integer Number of acknowledgments on the source that have not yet been processed
rm_blob_error_bufs integer Number of smart large objects that could not be successfully applied

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