The replcheck_stat Table

The replcheck_stat table contains the progress information for consistency check and synchronization operations that specified a progress report task name.

Column Type Purpose
replcheck_id serial Unique key for the task and replicate combination.
replcheck_name varchar(32) The task name.
replcheck_replname varchar(128) The replicate name.
replcheck_type char(1) The task type:
  • C = consistency check
  • S = synchronization
replcheck_numrows integer The total number of rows in the table.
replcheck_rows_processed integer The number of rows that were processed to correct inconsistent rows.
replcheck_status char(1) The status of this task:
  • A = Aborted
  • D = Defined
  • R = Running
  • C = Completed
  • F = Completed, but inconsistent
  • W = Pending complete
replcheck_start_time datetime year to second The time that the sync or check task for the replicate started running.
replcheck_end_time datetime year to second The time that sync or check task for the replicate completed.

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