CDR_APPLY Configuration Parameter

Specifies the minimum and maximum number of data sync threads. The value is updated dynamically as needed.

onconfig.std value
Not in the onconfig.std file.
range of values
Two positive integers that are separated by a comma and that represent the minimum and maximum number of threads per CPU virtual processor. If only one value is specified, that value is the maximum and the minimum is set to 1.

If you do not set the CDR_APPLY configuration parameter explicitly, Enterprise Replication automatically allocates data sync threads for each CPU VP based on need:

  • The minimum number of data sync threads is the number of available CPU VPs.
  • The maximum number of data sync threads is four times the number of available CPU VPs.

You can set the CDR_APPLY configuration parameter to control the minimum and maximum configurable data sync apply threads irrespective of the CPU VP configuration.

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