Viewing grid information

You can view information about a grid and whether a replicate or replicate set belongs to a grid.

To view information about a grid:

Run the cdr list grid command. For example, the following command shows the servers and authorized users for a grid named grid1:
cdr list grid grid1

The output for this command might be:

Grid               Node               User
------------------ ------------------ ----------------
grid1              gserv1*            bill

The user bill is authorized to run grid commands on the server gserv1.

You can see whether a replicate is a member of a grid replicate set by running the cdr list replicate command or the onstat -g cat repls command. You can also query the syscdrrepl SMI table. The following example output of the cdr list replicate command shows that the replicate is a master replicate and a member of a grid replicate set:

REPLICATE:        grid_6553604_100_3
STATE:            Active ON:g_delhi
CONFLICT:         Always Apply
FREQUENCY:        immediate
QUEUE SIZE:       0
PARTICIPANT:      tdb:nagaraju.t1
OPTIONS:          row,ris,fullrow
REPLID:           6553605 / 0x640005
REPLMODE:         PRIMARY  ON:gserv1
APPLY-AS:         INFORMIX ON:gserv1
REPLTYPE:         Master,Grid

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