Detach trigger

Using the detach trigger methods in IfmxThreadedSmartTrigger, you can declare a Smart Trigger to be 'detachable'. A detachable trigger has an unique identifier which allows you to reconnect to the session on the server.

/* Detach a trigger */
IfxSmartTrigger push = new IfxSmartTrigger("jdbc-url-here");
push.detachable(true); //Set the trigger as detachable;
String session1 = push.getDetachableSessionID(); //Get the session id
//Closes the JDBC connection and returns the session ID
//This is the same session id as you get from the call above 
Session1 = push.detach();
On detaching from the session, you can create a new Smart Trigger object and pass in the session ID.
push = new IfxSmartTrigger(“jdbc-url-here”);
//Assign the session ID before you start the smart trigger
TestPushCallback callback1 = new TestPushCallback();
push.registerCallback("test-label-pushtest", callback1);
//You pick up where you left off, retrieving any messages you missed from the server

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