Case sensitivity in embedded SQL statements
The following table describes how the IBM® Informix® ESQL/C preprocessor
treats uppercase and lowercase letters.
ESQL/C identifier | Case sensitive | Example |
Host variable | Yes | Informix ESQL/C treats
the variables fname and Fname as distinct variables:
This sample does not generate a warning from the preprocessor. |
Variable types | Yes | Both Informix ESQL/C and C treat the
names of data types as case sensitive. The CHAR type in the following
example is considered distinct from the char data type and
it generates an error:
The CHAR type does not
generate an error, however, if you provide a typedef statement for
it. In the following example, the CHAR type does not generate
an error:
SQL keyword | No | Both CONNECT statements are valid ways of establishing
a connection to the stores7 demonstration database:
In examples given in this publication, SQL keywords are displayed as lowercase characters. |
Statement identifiers Cursor names |
No | The following example shows the creation of statement
IDs and cursor names:
This code produces errors because the statement IDs st and ST are duplicates, as are the cursor names curname and CURNAME. For more information about statement IDs and cursor names, see the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax. |