Options for running the C preprocessor first
You can make the C preprocessor run on the Informix® ESQL/C source
file first, thus expanding any C-dependent typedefs or #defines inside
the Informix ESQL/C source
file before the Informix ESQL/C preprocessor
is run on that source file. You can do this in any of the following
- Pass the -cp or the -onlycp option to the esql command.
Both force the C preprocessor to run first, but in the case of the -cponly option, the compilation stops after the C preprocessor is run, and the result is put in a .icp file.
- Create the Informix ESQL/C source
file with a .ecp extension.
This process triggers the -cp option on the file automatically.
- Set the CPFIRST environment variables to TRUE (uppercase only).
- Use the eprotect.exe utility.