SQL keyword protection and the dollar sign ($) symbol

All SQL statements within IBM® Informix® ESQL/C source files can either begin with the EXEC SQL key words or with the $ prefix. All of the following pairs of statements are equivalent:

EXEC SQL connect to ‘database9’;
$connect to ‘database9’;

EXEC SQL select fname into :hostvar1 from table1;
$ select fname into :hostvar1 from table1;
However, the $ symbol can also occur at the beginning of typedef definitions such as in the following example:
$int *ip = NULL;
In cases such as the preceding typedef example, program logic might require that the C preprocessor substitute the value zero in the place of the keyword NULL. Not allowing the C preprocessor to make value substitutions in such cases would lead to errors. Therefore, the eprotect utility does not add a prefix to the SQLKEYWORD_ prefix on SQL keywords that are displayed in SQL statements that begin with the dollar sign ($) symbol.
Important: If you want to run the C preprocessor on your Informix ESQL/C source file before the Informix ESQL/C preprocessor, and if you do not want the C preprocessor to substitute values for the SQL keywords in SQL statements that occur in your source file, you must begin each SQL statement with the keywords EXEC SQL, and not with the dollar sign ($) symbol.

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