Implicit options invoked by the esql preprocessor in Windows environments

The Informix® ESQL/C command processor implicitly passes compiler and linker flags to the supported C compilers. The following table lists the implicit options that esql passes when you use the indicated esql options. If you choose to create your own build file, use the indicated flags as appropriate for your application.
Important: The esql command does not implicitly pass any options to the resource compiler.
Table 1. Implicitly passed compiler options
Compiler Module type esql options Implicit options
Compiler Linker
Microsoft Visual C++, Version 2.x or later executable -target:exe


-c -I%INFORMIXDIR%\incl\esql/D_systype/D_proctype/threadtype/DWIN32
-DEF:deffile -OUT:target -MAP 
dll -target:dll


-c -I%INFORMIXDIR%\incl\esql/D_systype/D_proctype/threadtype/DWIN32
-DLL -DEF:deffile -OUT:target -MAP 
Borland C++, Version 5 executable -target:exe


-c -I%INFORMIXDIR%\ incl\esql-etarget-subtype-libtlog-libtlg
-c -Tpe -M
dll -target:dll


-c -I%INFORMIXDIR%\incl\esql-etarget-subtype-libtlog-libtlg
-c -Tpd -M
The italicized terms in the compiler and linker options represent the following definitions.
Name of a .def file (The -DEF option executes only if you specify a .def file on the command line.)
Library set (depends on whether the application is WINDOWS or CONSOLE).
-D_RTLDLL for a dynamic library or " " for a shared library
-WM for a multithread library or " " for a single-thread library
Type of processor (X86)
ap for a console subsystem or aa for a Windows subsystem
WC for an executable console, W for a Windows executable file, WCD for a console DLL, or WD for a Windows DLL
Type of subsystem (WINDOWS or CONSOLE)
X for a console subsystem and W for a Windows subsystem
Name of the executable file (name of first .ec file or the name specified by the -o command-line option)
Type of thread option (ML, MT, MD, depending on the value of the -runtime command-line option)

For more information about the -target, -wd, and -we command-line options, see Syntax of the esql command

The library set that the linker uses depends on whether you are creating a Windows or console application. The following table lists the library sets that the indicated esql options use.
Table 2. Library sets that the linker uses
Compiler Options for esql Library sets that the linker uses
Microsoft Visual C++, Version 2.x or later
  • -subsystem:windows
  • -Sw
  • -ss:w
  • advapi32.lib
  • wsock32.lib
  • user32.lib
  • winmm.lib
  • gdi32.lib
  • comdlg32.lib
  • winspool.lib
  • -subsystem:console
  • -Sc
  • -ss:c
  • netapi32.lib
  • wsock32.lib
  • user32.lib
  • winmm.lib
Borland C++, Version 5
  • -subsystem:windows
  • -Sw
  • -ss:w
  • cw32mti.lib
  • import32.lib
  • -subsystem:console
  • -Sc
  • -ss:c
  • cw32mti.lib
  • import32.lib

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