The fixchar data type

The fixchar data type is the IBM® Informix® ESQL/C data type that holds character data that does not append a null terminator.

When an application reads a value from a CHAR column into a host variable of type fixchar, Informix ESQL/C pads this value with trailing blanks up to the size of the host variable. Informix ESQL/C does not append any null character. The behavior is the same if an application reads a value from a VARCHAR (or NVARCHAR) column into a host variable of the fixchar data type.
Restriction: Do not use the fixchar data type with VARCHAR, or NVARCHAR, data. With a fixchar, even if the length of the data is shorter than the size of the fixchar, the database server stores all n characters of the fixchar, including any blanks at the end of the string. Unless the blanks have significance, storing them defeats the space savings that the VARCHAR data type provides.
Declare a fixchar host variable as an array with n components (where n is the size of the column with values that you want read). Use the following syntax to declare a host variable of the fixchar data type:
   fixchar fch_name[n];
Important: You can copy a null-terminated C string into a fixchar variable if space is available for the null character. However, this is not good practice. When the database server inserts this value into a column, it also inserts the null terminator. As a result, later searches of the table might fail to find the value.

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