Choose a large-object data type

If you use HCL Informix® as your database server, you can choose between using simple large objects or smart large objects.

Informix supports simple large objects primarily for compatibility with earlier versions of Informix applications. When you write new applications that need to access large objects, use smart large objects to hold character (CLOB) and binary (BLOB) data.

The following table summarizes the advantages that smart large objects present over simple large objects:
Large-object feature Simple large objects Smart large objects
Maximum size of data 2 GB 4 TB
Data accessibility No random access to data Random access to data
Reading the large object The database server reads a simple large object on an all or nothing basis. Library functions provide access that is similar to accessing an operating-system file. You can access specified portions of the smart large object.
Writing the large object The database server updates a simple large object on an all or nothing basis. The database server can rewrite only a portion of a smart large object.
Data logging Data logging is always on. Data logging can be turned on and off.

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