ESQL/C functions that use the LO-specification structure

The following table shows the IBM® Informix® ESQL/C library functions that access the LO-specification structure.
ESQL/C library function Purpose See
ifx_lo_col_info() Updates the LO-specification structure with the column-level storage characteristics The ifx_lo_col_info() function
ifx_lo_create() Reads an LO-specification structure to obtain storage characteristics for a new smart large object that it creates The ifx_lo_create() function
ifx_lo_def_create_spec() Allocates and initializes an LO-specification structure The ifx_lo_def_create_spec() function
ifx_lo_spec_free() Frees the resources of the LO-specification structure The ifx_lo_spec_free() function
ifx_lo_specget_estbytes() Gets the estimated number of bytes from the LO-specification structure The ifx_lo_specget_estbytes() function
ifx_lo_specget_extsz() Gets the allocation extent size from the LO-specification structure The ifx_lo_specget_extsz() function
ifx_lo_specget_flags() Gets the create-time flags from the LO-specification structure The ifx_lo_specget_flags() function
ifx_lo_specget_maxbytes() Gets the maximum number of bytes from the LO-specification structure The ifx_lo_specget_maxbytes() function
ifx_lo_specget_sbspace() Gets the name of the sbspace from the LO-specification structure The ifx_lo_specget_sbspace() function
ifx_lo_specset_estbytes() Sets the estimated number of bytes from the LO-specification structure The ifx_lo_specset_estbytes() function
ifx_lo_specset_extsz() Sets the allocation extent size in the LO-specification structure The ifx_lo_specset_extsz() function
ifx_lo_specset_flags() Sets the create-time flags in the LO-specification structure The ifx_lo_specset_flags() function
ifx_lo_specset_maxbytes() Sets the maximum number of bytes in the LO-specification structure The ifx_lo_specset_maxbytes() function
ifx_lo_specset_sbspace() Sets the name of the sbspace in the LO-specification structure The ifx_lo_specset_sbspace() function
ifx_lo_stat_cspec() Returns the storage characteristics into the LO-specification structure for a specified smart large object The ifx_lo_stat_cspec() function

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