Operate on a collection column
The collection variable stores the elements of the collection. However, it has no intrinsic connection with a database column. You must use an INSERT or UPDATE statement to explicitly save the contents of the collection variable into the collection column.
- The SELECT statement fetches all elements from a collection column.
- The INSERT statement inserts a new collection into a collection
Use the INSERT statement on a table or view name and specify the collection variable in the VALUES clause.
Figure 1 shows an INSERT statement that saves the contents of a collection variable in a collection column.
- The UPDATE statement updates the entire collection in a collection
column with new values.
Use an UPDATE statement on a table or view name and specify the collection variable in the SET clause.
Figure 1 shows an UPDATE statement that saves the contents of a collection variable in a collection column.
For more information about how to use these statements with collection columns, see the IBM® Informix® Guide to SQL: Tutorial.