Sample fetch array program

The following sample program shows how to perform the steps in Using a fetch array. It uses separate functions to initialize, print, and free the sqlda structure. These functions are described in the following sections.
#include <windows.h>

EXEC SQL include sqlda.h;
EXEC SQL include locator.h;
EXEC SQL include sqltypes.h;

#define BLOBSIZE 32275      /* using a predetermined length for blob */

EXEC SQL begin declare section;
    long blobsize;     /* finding the maximum blob size at runtime */
EXEC SQL end declare section;

* Function: init_sqlda()
* Purpose: With the sqlda pointer that was returned from the DESCRIBE
* statement, function allocates memory for the fetch arrays
* in the sqldata fields of each column. The function uses
* FetArrSize to determine the size to allocate.
* Returns: < 0 for error
* > 0 error with messagesize
int init_sqlda(struct sqlda *in_da, int print)
    int i, j, 
    struct sqlvar_struct *col_ptr;
    ifx_loc_t *temp_loc;
    char *type;

    if (print)
   printf("columns: %d. \n", in_da->sqld);

    /* Step 1: determine row size */
    for (i = 0, col_ptr = in_da->sqlvar; i < in_da->sqld; i++, col_ptr++)
   /* The msglen variable holds the sum of the column sizes in the
    * database; these are the sizes that DESCRIBE returns. This
    * sum is the amount of memory that ESQL/C needs to store
    * one row from the database. This value is <= row_size. */
   msglen += col_ptr->sqllen; /* get database sizes */

   /* calculate size for C data: string columns get extra byte added
    * to hold null terminator */
   col_ptr->sqllen = rtypmsize(col_ptr->sqltype, col_ptr->sqllen);

   /* The row_size variable holds the sum of the column sizes in
        * the client application; these are the sizes that rtypmsize()
        * returns. This sum is amount of memory that the client
        * application needs to store one row. */
   row_size += col_ptr->sqllen;
       printf("Column %d size:  %d\n", i+1, col_ptr->sqllen);

    if (print)
   printf("Total message size = %d\n", msglen);
   printf("Total row size = %d\n", row_size);

    EXEC SQL select max(length(cat_descr)) into :blobsize from catalog;

    /* Step 2: set FetArrSize global variable to number of elements
     * in fetch array; this function calculates the FetArrSize
     * value that can fit into the existing fetch buffer.
     * If FetBufSize is not set (equals zero), the code assigns a
     * default size of 4096 bytes (4 kilobytes). Alternatively, you
     * could set FetArrSize to the number elements you wanted to
     * have and let ESQL/C size the fetch buffer. See the text in
     * "Allocating Memory for the Fetch Arrays" for more information.*/
    if (FetArrSize <= 0) /* if FetArrSize not yet initialized */
   if (FetBufSize == 0) /* if FetBufSize not set */
      FetBufSize = 4096; /* default FetBufSize */
   FetArrSize = FetBufSize/msglen;
    num_to_alloc = (FetArrSize == 0)? 1: FetArrSize;
    if (print)
   printf("Fetch Buffer Size %d\n", FetBufSize);
   printf("Fetch Array Size:  %d\n", FetArrSize);

    /* set type in sqlvar_struct structure to corresponding C type */
    for (i = 0, col_ptr = in_da->sqlvar; i < in_da->sqld; i++, 
      case SQLCHAR:
          type = "char ";
          col_ptr->sqltype = CCHARTYPE;
      case SQLINT:
       case SQLSERIAL:
          type = "int ";
          col_ptr->sqltype = CINTTYPE;
      case SQLBYTES:
      case SQLTEXT:
          if (col_ptr->sqltype == SQLBYTES)
         type = "blob ";
         type = "text ";
          col_ptr->sqltype = CLOCATORTYPE;

          /* Step 3 (TEXT & BLOB only): allocate memory for sqldata
           * that contains ifx_loc_t structures for TEXT or BYTE column */
          temp_loc = (ifx_loc_t *)malloc(col_ptr->sqllen * num_to_alloc);
          if (!temp_loc)
         fprintf(stderr, "blob sqldata malloc failed\n");
          col_ptr->sqldata = (char *)temp_loc;

          /* Step 4 (TEXT & BLOB only): initialize ifx_loc_t structures to
          hold blob values in a user-defined buffer in memory */
          byfill( (char *)temp_loc, col_ptr->sqllen*num_to_alloc ,0);
          for (j = 0; j< num_to_alloc; j++, temp_loc++)
         /* blob data to go in memory */
         temp_loc->loc_loctype = LOCMEMORY;

             /* assume none of the blobs are larger than BLOBSIZE */
         temp_loc->loc_bufsize = blobsize;
         temp_loc->loc_buffer = (char *)malloc(blobsize+1);
         if (!temp_loc->loc_buffer)
            fprintf(stderr, "loc_buffer malloc failed\n");
             temp_loc->loc_oflags = 0; /* clear flag */
          } /* end for */
      default: /* all other data types */
          fprintf(stderr, "not yet handled(%d)!\n", col_ptr->sqltype);
       } /* switch */

   /* Step 5: allocate memory for the indicator variable */
   col_ptr->sqlind = (short *)malloc(sizeof(short) * num_to_alloc);
   if (!col_ptr->sqlind)
      printf("indicator malloc failed\n");
      return -1;

   /* Step 6 (other data types): allocate memory for sqldata. This 
    * function
    * casts the pointer to this memory as a (char *). Subsequent
    * accesses to the data would need to cast it back to the data
    * type that corresponds to the column type. See the print_sqlda()
    * function for an example of this casting. */
   if (col_ptr->sqltype != CLOCATORTYPE)
      col_ptr->sqldata = (char *) malloc(col_ptr->sqllen *
      if (!col_ptr->sqldata)
          printf("sqldata malloc failed\n");
          return -1;
      if (print)
          printf("column %3d, type = %s(%3d), len=%d\n", i+1, type,
                col_ptr->sqltype, col_ptr->sqllen);
    }  /* end for */
    return msglen;

* Function: print_sqlda
* Purpose: Prints contents of fetch arrays for each column that the
* sqlda structure contains. Current version only implements
* data types found in the blobtab table. Other data types
* would need to me implemented to make this function complete.
void print_sqlda(struct sqlda *sqlda, int count)
    void *data;
    int i, j;
   ifx_loc_t *temp_loc;
    struct sqlvar_struct *col_ptr;
    char *type;
    char buffer[512];
    int ind;
    char i1, i2;

    /* print number of columns (sqld) and number of fetch-array elements 
    printf("\nsqld: %d, fetch-array elements: %d.\n", sqlda->sqld, 

    /* Outer loop: loop through each element of a fetch array */
    for (j = 0; j < count; j ++)
   if (count > 1)
      printf("record[%4d]:\n", j);
      printf("col | type | id | len | ind | rin | data ");
      printf("| value\n");

   /* Inner loop: loop through each of the sqlvar_struct structures */
   for (i = 0, col_ptr = sqlda->sqlvar; i < sqlda->sqld; i++, col_ptr++)
      data = col_ptr->sqldata + (j*col_ptr->sqllen);
      switch (col_ptr->sqltype)
          case CFIXCHARTYPE:
          case CCHARTYPE:
         type = "char";
         if (col_ptr->sqllen > 40)
            sprintf(buffer, " %39.39s<..", data);
            sprintf(buffer, "%*.*s", col_ptr->sqllen,
                   col_ptr->sqllen, data);
          case CINTTYPE:
         type = "int";
         sprintf(buffer, " %d", *(int *) data);
          case CLOCATORTYPE:
          type = "byte";
         temp_loc = (ifx_loc_t *)(col_ptr->sqldata +
                   (j * sizeof(ifx_loc_t)));
         sprintf(buffer, " buf ptr: %p, buf sz: %d, blob sz: %d",
                temp_loc->loc_bufsize, temp_loc->loc_size);
         type = "??????";
         sprintf(buffer, " type not implemented: ",
                "can't print %d", col_ptr->sqltype);
      } /* end switch */

      i1 = (col_ptr->sqlind==NULL) ? 'X' :
          (((col_ptr->sqlind)[j] != 0) ? 'T' : 'F');
      i2 = (risnull(col_ptr->sqltype, data)) ? 'T' : 'F';

       printf("%3d | %-6.6s | %3d | %3d | %c | %c | ",
          i, type, col_ptr->sqltype, col_ptr->sqllen, i1, i2);
      printf("%8p |%s\n", data, buffer);
       } /* end for (i=0...) */
    } /* end for (j=0...) */

* Function: free_sqlda
* Purpose: Frees memory used by sqlda. This memory includes:
* o loc_buffer memory (used by TEXT & BYTE)
* o sqldata memory
* o sqlda structure
void free_sqlda(struct sqlda *sqlda)
    int i,j, num_to_dealloc;
    struct sqlvar_struct *col_ptr;
    ifx_loc_t *temp_loc;

    for (i = 0, col_ptr = sqlda->sqlvar; i < sqlda->sqld; i++, 
   if ( col_ptr->sqltype == CLOCATORTYPE )
      /* Free memory for blob buffer of each element in fetch array */
      num_to_dealloc = (FetArrSize == 0)? 1: FetArrSize;
      temp_loc = (ifx_loc_t *) col_ptr->sqldata;
      for (j = 0; j< num_to_dealloc; j++, temp_loc++)
   /* Free memory for sqldata (contains fetch array) */

    /* Free memory for sqlda structure */
void main()
    int i = 0;
    int row_count, row_size;

    EXEC SQL begin declare section;
   char *db   = "stores7";
   char *uid  = "odbc";
   char *pwd  = "odbc";
    EXEC SQL end declare section;

     * Step 1: declare an sqlda structure to hold the retrieved column
     * values
    struct sqlda *da_ptr;

    EXEC SQL connect to :db user :uid using :pwd;
    if ( SQLCODE < 0 )
   printf("CONNECT failed: %d\n", SQLCODE);

    /* Prepare the SELECT */
    EXEC SQL prepare selct_id from 'select catalog_num, cat_descr from 
    if ( SQLCODE < 0 )
   printf("prepare failed: %d\n", SQLCODE);

     * Step 2: describe the prepared SELECT statement to allocate memory
     * for the sqlda structure and the sqlda.sqlvar structures
     * (DESCRIBE can allocate sqlda.sqlvar structures because
     * prepared statement is a SELECT)
    EXEC SQL describe selct_id into da_ptr;
    if ( SQLCODE < 0 )
   printf("describe failed: %d\n", SQLCODE);

     * Step 3: initialize the sqlda structure to hold fetch arrays for
     * columns
    row_size = init_sqlda(da_ptr, 1);

    /* declare and open a cursor for the prepared SELECT */
    EXEC SQL declare curs cursor for selct_id;
    if ( SQLCODE < 0 )
   printf("declare failed: %d\n", SQLCODE);
    EXEC SQL open curs;
    if ( SQLCODE < 0 )
   printf("open failed: %d\n", SQLCODE);
    while (1)
    * Step 4: perform fetch to get "FetArrSize" array of rows from
    * the database server into the sqlda structure
   EXEC SQL fetch curs using descriptor da_ptr;

   /* Reached last set of matching rows? */

    * Step 5: obtain the values from the fetch arrays of the sqlda
    * structure; use sqlca.sqlerrd[2] to determine number
    * of array elements actually retrieved.
   printf("FETCH %d\n", i++);
   print_sqlda(da_ptr, ((FetArrSize == 0) ? 1 : sqlca.sqlerrd[2]));

    * Step 6: repeat the FETCH until all rows have been fetched (SQLCODE

     * Step 7: Free resources:
     * o statement id, selct_id
     * o select cursor, curs
     * o sqlda structure (with free_sqlda() function)
     * o delete sample table and its rows from database

    EXEC SQL free selct_id;
    EXEC SQL close curs;
    EXEC SQL free curs;

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