Obtain values from fetch arrays

Each FETCH attempts to return FetArrSize number of values into the sqldata fields of the sqlvar_struct structures of the sqlda structure. You can check the sqlca.sqlerrd[2] value to determine the actual number of rows that the FETCH did return.

Each fetch array holds the values for one column of the query. To obtain a row of values, you must access the element at the same index of each the fetch arrays. For example, to obtain the first row of values, access the first element of each of the fetch arrays.

The sample program calls the print_sqlda() function to obtain values from the fetch arrays for the following prepared query:
SELECT * from blobtab

* Function: print_sqlda
* Purpose: Prints contents of fetch arrays for each column that the
* sqlda structure contains. Current version only implements
* data types found in the blobtab table. Other data types
* would need to me implemented to make this function complete.
void print_sqlda(struct sqlda *sqlda, int count)
    void *data;
    int i, j;
   ifx_loc_t *temp_loc;
    struct sqlvar_struct *col_ptr;
    char *type;
    char buffer[512];
    int ind;
    char i1, i2;

    /* print number of columns (sqld) and number of fetch-array elements 
    printf("\nsqld: %d, fetch-array elements: %d.\n", sqlda->sqld, 

    /* Outer loop: loop through each element of a fetch array */
    for (j = 0; j < count; j ++)
   if (count > 1)
      printf("record[%4d]:\n", j);
      printf("col | type | id | len | ind | rin | data ");
      printf("| value\n");

   /* Inner loop: loop through each of the sqlvar_struct structures */
   for (i = 0, col_ptr = sqlda->sqlvar; i < sqlda->sqld; i++, col_ptr++)
      data = col_ptr->sqldata + (j*col_ptr->sqllen);
      switch (col_ptr->sqltype)
          case CFIXCHARTYPE:
          case CCHARTYPE:
         type = "char";
         if (col_ptr->sqllen > 40)
            sprintf(buffer, " %39.39s<..", data);
            sprintf(buffer, "%*.*s", col_ptr->sqllen,
                   col_ptr->sqllen, data);
          case CINTTYPE:
         type = "int";
         sprintf(buffer, " %d", *(int *) data);
          case CLOCATORTYPE:
          type = "byte";
         temp_loc = (ifx_loc_t *)(col_ptr->sqldata +
                   (j * sizeof(ifx_loc_t)));
         sprintf(buffer, " buf ptr: %p, buf sz: %d, blob sz: %d",
                temp_loc->loc_bufsize, temp_loc->loc_size);
         type = "??????";
         sprintf(buffer, " type not implemented: ",
                "can't print %d", col_ptr->sqltype);
      } /* end switch */

      i1 = (col_ptr->sqlind==NULL) ? 'X' :
          (((col_ptr->sqlind)[j] != 0) ? 'T' : 'F');
      i2 = (risnull(col_ptr->sqltype, data)) ? 'T' : 'F';

       printf("%3d | %-6.6s | %3d | %3d | %c | %c | ",
          i, type, col_ptr->sqltype, col_ptr->sqllen, i1, i2);
      printf("%8p |%s\n", data, buffer);
       } /* end for (i=0...) */
    } /* end for (j=0...) */

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