The ifx_int8toasc() function

The ifx_int8toasc() function converts an int8 type number to a C char type value.


mint ifx_int8toasc(int8_val, strng_val, len)
   ifx_int8_t *int8_val;
   char  *strng_val;
   mint  len;
A pointer to the int8 structure whose value ifx_int8toasc() converts to a text string.
A pointer to the first byte of the character buffer where the ifx_int8toasc() function places the text string.
The size of strng_val, in bytes, minus 1 for the null terminator.


If the int8 number does not fit into a character string of length len, ifx_int8toasc() converts the number to an exponential notation. If the number still does not fit, ifx_int8toasc() fills the string with asterisks. If the number is shorter than the string, ifx_int8toasc() left-justifies the number and pads it on the right with blanks.

Because the character string that ifx_int8toasc() returns is not null terminated, your program must add a null character to the string before you print it.

When you use a nondefault locale (one other than US English), ifx_int8toasc() supports non-ASCII characters in the strng_val character string. For more information, see the IBM® Informix GLS User's Guide.

Return codes

The conversion was successful.
The converted value does not fit into the allocated space.


The file in the demo directory contains the following sample program.
   * *

    The following program converts three string
    constants to INT8 types and then uses ifx_int8toasc()
    to convert the INT8 values to C char type values.

#include <stdio.h>
#define END sizeof(result)

EXEC SQL include "int8.h";

char string1[] = "-12,555,444,333,786,456";
char string2[] = "480";
char string3[] = "5.2";
char result[40];

    mint x;
    ifx_int8_t num1, num2, num3;

    printf("IFX_INT8TOASC Sample ESQL Program running.\n\n");

    if (x = ifx_int8cvasc(string1, strlen(string1), &num1))
        printf("Error %d in converting string1 to INT8\n", x);
    if (x = ifx_int8cvasc(string2, strlen(string2), &num2))
        printf("Error %d in converting string2 to INT8\n", x);
if (x = ifx_int8cvasc(string3, strlen(string3), &num3))
        printf("Error %d in converting string3 to INT8\n", x);
    printf("\nConverting INT8 back to ASCII\n");
    printf(" Executing: ifx_int8toasc(&num1, result, END - 1)");
    if (x = ifx_int8toasc(&num1, result, END - 1))
        printf("\tError %d in converting INT8 to string\n", x);
        result[END - 1] = '\0';             /* null terminate */
        printf("\n The value of the first INT8 is = %s\n", result);
    printf("\nConverting second INT8 back to ASCII\n");
    printf(" Executing: ifx_int8toasc(&num2, result, END - 1)");
    if (x= ifx_int8toasc(&num2, result, END - 1))
        printf("\tError %d in converting INT8 to string\n", x);
        result[END - 1] = '\0';             /* null terminate */
        printf("\n The value of the 2nd INT8 is = %s\n", result);

    printf("\nConverting third INT8 back to ASCII\n");
    printf(" Executing: ifx_int8toasc(&num3, result, END - 1)"); 
    /* note that the decimal is truncated */

    if (x= ifx_int8toasc(&num3, result, END - 1))
        printf("\tError %d in converting INT8 to string\n", x);
        result[END - 1] = '\0';                 /* null terminate */
        printf("\n The value of the 3rd INT8 is = %s\n", result);
    printf("\nIFX_INT8TOASC Sample Program over.\n\n");


IFX_INT8TOASC Sample ESQL Program running.

Converting INT8 back to ASCII
 Executing: ifx_int8toasc(&num1, result, sizeof(result)-1)
 The value of the first INT8 is = -12555444333786456

Converting second INT8 back to ASCII
 Executing: ifx_int8toasc(&num2, result, sizeof(result)-1)
 The value of the 2nd INT8 is = 480

Converting third INT8 back to ASCII
 Executing: ifx_int8toasc(&num3, result, END)
 The value of the 3rd INT8 is = 5

IFX_INT8TOASC Sample Program over.

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