The ifx_lo_truncate() function

The ifx_lo_truncate() function truncates a smart large object at a specified byte position.


mint ifx_lo_truncate(LO_fd, offset)
   mint LO_fd;
   ifx_int8_t *offset;
The LO file descriptor for the open smart large object whose value you want to truncate.
A pointer to the 8-byte integer that identifies the offset at which the truncation of the smart large object begins.


The ifx_lo_truncate() function sets the last valid byte of a smart large object to the specified offset value. If this offset value is beyond the current end of the smart large object, you actually extend the smart large object. If this offset value is less than the current end of the smart large object, the database server reclaims all storage, from the position that offset indicates to the end of the smart large object.

Return codes

The function was successful.
The function was not successful and the return value indicates the cause of the failure.

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