The ifx_lo_write() function

The ifx_lo_write() function writes a specified number of bytes of data to an open smart large object.


mint ifx_lo_write(LO_fd, buf, nbytes, error)
   mint LO_fd;
   char *buf;
   mint nbytes;
   mint *error;
The LO file descriptor for the smart large object to which to write.
A pointer to a buffer that contains the data that the function writes to the smart large object.
The number of bytes to write to the smart large object. With a minimum length of 0, this value must be less than 2 GB.
A pointer to a mint that contains the error code that ifx_lo_write() sets.


The ifx_lo_write() function writes nbytes of data to the smart large object that the LO_fd file descriptor identifies. The write begins at the current seek position for LO_fd. You can use the ifx_lo_tell() function to obtain the current seek position.

The function obtains the data from the user-defined buffer to which buf points. The buf buffer must be less than 2 gigabytes in size.

If the database server writes less than nbytes of data to the smart large object, the ifx_lo_write() function returns the number of bytes that it wrote and sets the error value to point to a value that indicates the reason for the incomplete write operation. This condition can occur when the sbspace runs out of space.

Return codes

The number of bytes that the function has written from the buf character buffer to the open smart large object.
The function was not successful; examine the error for a detailed error code.

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