The rsetnull() function

The rsetnull() function sets a C variable to a value that corresponds to a database null value.


mint rsetnull(type, ptrvar)
   mint type;
   char *ptrvar;
A mint that corresponds to the data type of a C or IBM® Informix® ESQL/C variable. This type can be any data type except var binary or an lvarchar pointer variable. For more information, see Data type constants.
A pointer to the C or Informix ESQL/C variable.


The rsetnull() function sets to null Informix ESQL/C variables of all data types except var binary and lvarchar pointer host variables. To set a var binary or lvarchar pointer host variable to null, use the ifx_var_setnull() macro. For more information, see The ifx_var_setnull() function


This sample program is in the file in the demo directory.
   * *

   This program fetches rows from the stock table for a chosen manufacturer
   and allows the user to set the unit_price to NULL.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
EXEC SQL include decimal;
EXEC SQL include sqltypes;

#define WARNNOTIFY      1
#define NOWARNNOTIFY    0

#define LCASE(c) (isupper(c) ? tolower(c) : (c))

char format[] = "($$,$$$,$$$.&&)";

   char decdsply[20];
   char ans;
   int4 ret, exp_chk();

      short stock_num;
      char description[16];
      dec_t unit_price;
      char manu_code[4];

    printf("RSETNULL Sample ESQL Program running.\n\n");
    EXEC SQL connect to 'stores7';        /* connect to stores7 */
    exp_chk("Connect to stores7", NOWARNNOTIFY);

    printf("This program selects all rows for a given manufacturer\n");
    printf("from the stock table and allows you to set the unit_price\n");
    printf("to NULL.\n");
    printf("\nTo begin, enter a manufacturer code - for example: 'HSK'\n");
    printf("\nEnter Manufacturer code: ");        /* prompt for mfr. code */
    gets(manu_code);            /* get mfr. code */
    EXEC SQL declare upcurs cursor for       /* declare cursor */
      select stock_num, description, unit_price from stock
      where manu_code = :manu_code
      for update of unit_price;
    rupshift(manu_code);        /* Make mfr code upper case */
    EXEC SQL open upcurs;  /* open select cursor */
    if(exp_chk("Open cursor", WARNNOTIFY) == 1)

    * Display Column Headings
    printf("\nStock # \tDescription \t\tUnit Price");
      /* get a row */
      EXEC SQL fetch upcurs into :stock_num, :description, :unit_price;
      if ((ret = exp_chk("fetch", WARNNOTIFY)) == 100)  /* if end of rows */
      if(ret == 1)
      if(risnull(CDECIMALTYPE, (char *) &unit_price))  /* unit_price NULL? */
         continue;            /* skip to next row */
      rfmtdec(&unit_price, format, decdsply); /* format unit_price */
      /* display item */
      printf("\n\t%d\t%15s\t%s", stock_num, description, decdsply);
      ans = ' ';
      /* Set unit_price to NULL? y(es) or n(o) */
      while((ans = LCASE(ans)) != 'y' && ans != 'n')
         printf("\n. . . Set unit_price to NULL ? (y/n) ");
         scanf("%1s", &ans);
      if (ans == 'y')                  /* if yes, NULL to unit_price */
         rsetnull(CDECIMALTYPE, (char *) &unit_price);
         EXEC SQL update stock set unit_price = :unit_price
            where current of upcurs;        /* and update current row */
         if(exp_chk("UPDATE", WARNNOTIFY) == 1)
   printf("\nRSETNULL Sample Program over.\n\n");

 *  The exp_chk() file contains the exception handling functions to
 *  check the SQLSTATE status variable to see if an error has occurred
 *  following an SQL statement. If a warning or an error has
 *  occurred, exp_chk() executes the GET DIAGNOSTICS statement and
 *  prints the detail for each exception that is returned.

EXEC SQL include

For a complete listing of the exp_chk() function, see Guide to the file or see the file for a listing of this exception-handling function.


RSETNULL Sample ESQL Program running.

This program selects all rows for a given manufacturer
from the stock table and allows you to set the unit_price
to NULL.

To begin, enter a manufacturer code - for example: 'HSK'

Enter Manufacturer code: HSK

Stock #         Description             Unit Price
      1          baseball gloves          $800.00 
 . . . Set unit_price to NULL ? (y/n) n

      3          baseball bat             $240.00 
. . . Set unit_price to NULL ? (y/n) y

      4          football                 $960.00 
. . . Set unit_price to NULL ? (y/n) n

      110        helmet                   $600.00 
. . . Set unit_price to NULL ? (y/n) y

RSETNULL Sample Program over.

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