Filter, Discard Records, and Logfile text boxes

The Load Job window now has entries for a device and format. The next incomplete items in the Load Job window are the Filter text box, the Discard Records text box, and the Logfile text box.

Filter text box

Use a filter to choose the records from the data file that should be inserted into the table. In this example, all of the records from the /work/mydata data file are inserted into the database table. Therefore, you do not need to create a filter. For this example, you can leave the Filter text box blank.

Define filters, describes how to create and use a filter.

Discard Records text box

The Discard Records text box specifies a file that keeps information about records that were rejected because of incorrect format or invalid data. For this example, you can leave the Discard Records text box blank.

Reviewing records that the conversion rejected describes how to view rejected records.

Logfile text box

The Logfile text box specifies a file where a record of the load or unload job is kept. For this example, you can leave the Logfile text box blank.

View the status of a load job or unload job describes how to view the log file.

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