The Device-Array Definition window

You can add, edit, or delete devices from an array from the Device-Array Definition window.

Figure 1. A partially completed Device-Array Definition window
begin figure description - This figure is described in the surrounding text. - end figure description
Table 1. The Device-Array Definition window options
Display option Description
Array Item Type group The Array Item Type group lists the types of devices that you can include in a device array. You can mix different types of devices in a single array.
Device text box Depending on the array item type that you selected from the Array Item Type group, the label for the text box where you type a device name is Tape Device, File Name, or Pipe Command (UNIX only). Complete this text box as follows.
Device type
What to type
Tape Device
The full path name of the tape device (example: /dev/rmt/0)
File Name
The full path name of the file (example: /work/mydata)
Pipe Command
The full path name of the executable pipe command or shell script (example: /tmp/g)
Tape Parameters group When you select Tape as the array item type, the Tape Parameters group becomes active (not gray), as the following figure shows. You must type the block and tape size. The tape size must be greater than zero. The example shown in the following figure is for UNIX. An example of a tape device name for Windows is 11.1tape0. Windows does not support remote tape load and unload.
Figure 2. The tape parameters group
begin figure description - This figure is described in the surrounding text. - end figure description

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