Data types allowed in a delimited format

You can use the following data types when you prepare a delimited format.
Table 1. Data types allowed in delimited format
Data type Description
Chars Normal ASCII data
BYTE or TEXT File File that contains BYTE or TEXT data
TEXT Data TEXT data is formatted as ASCII text. If the text includes carriage returns (new lines) or delimiters, a backslash (\) must precede those characters.
BYTE or TEXT HexASCII BYTE or TEXT data that is formatted in ASCII hexadecimal. The onpload utility translates the data into binary format before it loads the data into the database.
BLOB or CLOB File that contains smart large object (BLOB or CLOB) data
Simple LO File The name of a file that contains Simple LO data (BYTE and TEXT data)
Simple LO Text Simple LO data that is formatted as ASCII text. If the text includes carriage returns, newline characters, or delimiters, a backslash (\) must precede those characters
Simple LO HexASCII Simple LO data that is formatted in ASCII hexadecimal. The onpload utility translates the data into binary format before it loads the data into the database.
Ext Type String The ASCII representation of a Data Type (Ext Type) value
Ext Type HexASCII The HexASCII representation of an Ext Type value

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