Set the mapping options

You can set as many of the choices on the Mapping Options window as you need.

Justification option

The Justification option positions text within a record. You can justify the text to the left or right, or you can center it.

Case Convert option

The Case Convert option converts the case of the data to the selected case. The High-Performance Loader (HPL) supports upper, lower, and proper-name conversions. For example, you can make the following conversions.
Input Conversion type Result
JOHN LEE SMITH Proper Name John Lee Smith
john lee smith Proper Name John Lee Smith
john lee smith Upper JOHN LEE SMITH
JOHN LEE SMITH Lower john lee smith

Default Value option

The Default Value option specifies the value that is inserted into the column when no field is mapped into that column.

Transfer Bytes option

The Transfer Bytes option specifies the number of bytes in the record field to transfer to the database column.

For variable-length format records, this number reflects the maximum size of the field. The actual number of bytes to transfer is determined by the record or field delimiters.

Column Offset option

The Column Offset option specifies the offset from the beginning of a column field at which to start transferring the data from the field of the data record. Offsets are zero based.

Field Offset option

The Field Offset option specifies the offset from the beginning of a record field at which to start transferring data to the column. Offsets are zero based.

Field Minimum and Field Maximum options

The Field Minimum and Field Maximum options specify the smallest and largest acceptable values for a numeric column. If the data in the field is outside that range, the HPL rejects the record. This option is available only for fields with numeric formats, such as integer, short, or float.

Fill Character option

The Fill Character option lets you specify a character that you use to pad the contents of a field. The fill character can be any character that you can type on the keyboard. You can specify a fill character for fixed ASCII and COBOL loads or unloads. The fill character is filled in as a trailing character.

Picture option

The Picture option lets you reformat and mask data from the field of a record before the data is transferred to the database. Picture strings, explains picture strings.

Function option

The Function option specifies a user-defined function that is called for every record that is processed. You must add the function to the dynamically linked library. For information about using custom functions, see the API interface documentation in Custom-conversion functions.

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