Example of using filter

Suppose that you have a worldwide telemarketing data file that contains the name, country, yearly salary, and age of potential contacts, as the following example shows:
John BrownUS  125,00057
Mary SmithArgentina83,00043
Larry Little US  118,00042
Ann SouthCanada  220,00053
David PetersonFrance  175,00072
Richard NorthSpain350,00039
Nancy RichardsJapan150,00054
William ParkerEgypt200,00064
To create a database that includes people who earn over $100,000 a year, are over the age of 50, and live outside the United States:
  1. Use the match condition discard salary < 100,000 to exclude people who earn less than $100,000 a year. The selected records are as follows:
    John BrownUS125,00057
    Larry Little US118,00042
    Ann SouthCanada220,00053
    David PetersonFrance175,00072
    Richard NorthSpain350,00039
    Nancy RichardsJapan150,00054
    William ParkerEgypt200,00064
  2. Use the match condition keep age > 50 to include people over the age of 50. The remaining records are as follows:
    John BrownUS125,00057
    Ann SouthCanada220,00053
    David PetersonFrance175,00072
    Nancy RichardsJapan150,00054
    William ParkerEgypt200,00064
  3. Use the match condition discard country = US to exclude people living in the United States. The remaining records are the records that match all of the restrictions:
    Ann SouthCanada220,00053
    David PetersonFrance175,00072
    Nancy RichardsJapan150,00054
    William ParkerEgypt200,00064

If you want to use the same data file to create a database of only those people who live in the United States, or only those people under the age of 30, simply define another filter. There is no limit to the number of filters that you can define for a data file.

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