The onpload configuration parameters

The onpload configuration parameters control the number of threads that onpload starts and the number and size of the buffers that are used to transfer data.

The following figure shows which part of the onpload process is affected by each configuration parameter.
Figure 1. The onpload configuration parameters
begin figure description - This figure is described in the surrounding text. - end figure description

The AIOBUFSIZE and AIOBUFFERS parameters control the number and size of the buffers that onpload uses for reading from the input device. CONVERTTHREADS and CONVERTVPS control the amount of CPU resources to apply to data conversion. STRMBUFFSIZE and STRMBUFFERS control the number and size of the buffers used to transport data between onpload and the database server.

The onpload configuration parameters are stored in the following files:
  • %INFORMIXDIR%\etc\%PLCONFIG (Windows)

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