The onpload file name size limitations on UNIX

On UNIX, you cannot have a file name size greater than 256 characters.

Suppose you have a 128-character database name and a 128-character table name and automatically generate the project (auto job generation), the generated device file names have the following format:
In this situation, the device name would exceed 256 characters and the job would not run. To work around this problem, modify the device file names (assuming the specification file name is device.hpl):
  1. Describe the device with the following command:
    onpladm describe device devicename -F device.hpl
  2. Modify the device.hpl specification file to shorten the names of .unl files.
  3. Modify the device attributes with the following command:
    onpladm modify device devicename -F device.hpl

Alternatively, do not use the auto generation option of onpladm when you have both database and table names that would produce a generated name exceeding the 256 UNIX file name limit. Instead, manually provide a device file name.

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