The formatitem table in the onpload database

The formatitem table defines the data-file records. Each field of a data file is described by an entry in this table. Use the Records Format window to prepare the record formats.

Table 1 lists the possible values for the ftype column. For more information, see Figure 2.
Column Type Description
formid INTEGER Record format identifier (foreign key to the formats table)
seq INTEGER Item sequence number for internal organization
fname CHAR(128) Name of record field
ftype INTEGER A number that indicates the type of data in the field
bytes INTEGER Number of bytes in field
decimals INTEGER Number of decimal values to format when converting to ASCII
offset INTEGER Offset in record image where field starts
qual INTEGER HCL Informix® DATETIME/INTERVAL qualifier
picture CHAR(15) COBOL picture definition
Table 1. Possible values for the ftype column
Value for ftype Type of data
1 Character (fixed and delimited)
2 Date
3 Short integer
4 Integer
5 Long Integer
6 Floating-point vale
7 Double floating-point value
8 Unsigned short integer
9 Unsigned integer
10 Unsigned long integer
11 UNIX date
18 Packed Decimal
19 Zoned decimal
20 Comp-1
21 Comp-2
22 Comp-3
23 Comp-4
24 Comp-5
25 Comp-6
26 Comp-X
27 Comp-N
28 Character (COBOL)
34 Blob Length
35 Blob File
36 Blob HexASCII
37 Blob Text
39 INT8
42 Extended Type String
43 Extended Type HexASCII
44 Extended Type Binary
45 Extended Type StringLength
46 Extended Type BinaryLength
51 INT64 (64-bit integer)

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