Perform bulk inserts

A bulk insert is the HCL Informix® extension to the JDBC 3.0 batch update feature. The bulk insert feature improves the performance of single INSERT statements that are executed multiple times, with multiple value settings. To enable this feature, set the IFX_USEPUT environment variable to 1. (The default value is 0.)

This feature does not work for multiple statements passed in the same PreparedStatement instance or for statements other than INSERT. If this feature is enabled and you pass in an INSERT statement followed by a statement with no parameters, the statement with no parameters is ignored.

The bulk insert feature requires the client to convert the Java™ type to match the target column type on the server for all data types except opaque types or complex types.

The example, which is installed in the demo directory where your JDBC driver is installed, shows how to perform a bulk insert.

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