Creating the JVP properties file
A JVP properties file contains property settings that control various runtime behaviors of the Java™ virtual processor.
The JVPPROPFILE configuration parameter specifies the path to the properties file. When you initialize the database server, the JVP initializes the environment based on the settings in the JVP property file. The .jvpprops.template file in the $INFORMIXDIR/extend/krakatoa directory documents the properties that you can set.
To prepare the JVP properties file:
- Copy the JVP properties template file, jvphome/.jvpprops.template into jvphome/.jvpprops where jvphome is the directory $INFORMIXDIR/extend/krakatoa.
- Edit .jvpprops to change the trace level or other properties if necessary.
- Set the JVPPROPFILE configuration parameter to jvphome/.jvpprops.
JVP.monitor.port: 10000
The database server provides a fixed set of system trace events such as UDR sequence initialization, activation, and shutdown. You can also generate application-specific traces. For more information, see the description of the UDRTraceable class in The com.informix.udr.UDRTraceable.