Set configuration parameters

The onconfig configuration file ($INFORMIXDIR/etc/$ONCONFIG) includes the following configuration parameters that affect Java™ code:
The following example shows sample settings for the Java-related configuration parameters on a UNIX Solaris system.
JVPLOGFILE    jvphome/jvp.log
JVPPROPFILE   jvphome/.jvpprops
#VPCLASS       jvp,num=1
JVMTHREAD     native
JVPCLASSPATH  jvphome/krakatoa.jar:jvphome/jdbc.jar
In this example, JVPCLASSPATH shows the default setting. To run in debug mode, add the _g suffix as shown in the following example:
JVPCLASSPATH  jvphome/krakatoa_g.jar:jvphome/jdbc_g.jar

For information about specific configuration parameter settings on your platform, see $INFORMIXDIR/etc/onconfig.std.

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