Set environment variables

You do not need any extra environment variables to execute UDRs written in Java™ code. However, if you are developing Java UDRs, you must include jvphome/krakatoa.jar in your CLASSPATH environment variable so that you can compile the Java source files that use HCL Informix® Java packages.

The following sections describe the runtime environment variables that you can set.

JVM_MAX_HEAP_SIZE environment variable

Set the environment variable JVM_MAX_HEAP_SIZE to configure the heap size for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The default heap size is 16 MB. You can set this variable to the maximum heap size needed for the JVM, depending on the estimated requirements of the application.

JAR_TEMP_PATH environment variable

Set the JAR_TEMP_PATH environment variable to specify a local file system location where jar management procedures such as install_jar and replace_jar can store JAR files temporarily. This directory must have read and write permissions for the user who starts the database server. If the JAR_TEMP_PATH environment variable is not set, temporary copies of JAR files are stored in the /tmp directory of the local file system for the database server.

JAVA_COMPILER environment variable

To turn off just-in-time (JIT) compilation, set the JAVA_COMPILER environment variable to NONE or none. For more information about JIT compilation, see the Java documentation.

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