Install a JAR file

JAR files contain the code for the UDRs. For an SQL statement to be able to include a UDR written in Java™ code, you must install the JAR file in the current database. When a JAR file is installed, the routine manager of the database server can load the appropriate Java class when the UDR is invoked.

To install a JAR file on HCL Informix®, the JAR file must be have READ permissions for user informix.

If the IFX_EXTEND_ROLE configuration parameter is set to 'On' or 1, authorization to use the built-in routines that manipulate shared objects is available only to the Database Server Administrator, and to users to whom the DBSA has granted the EXTEND role. For HCL Informix 10.00.xC4 and later releases, IFX_EXTEND_ROLE is enabled by default.

For databases in which this security feature is not needed, see the description of IFX_EXTEND_ROLE in your IBM® Informix Administrator's Reference for information about how the DBSA can disable this configuration parameter by resetting it.

To manage JAR files, use the EXECUTE PROCEDURE statement with the following SQLJ built-in procedures:
  • sqlj.install_jar(jar_url varchar(255), jar_id varchar(255), deploy_flag int)

    Before a Java static method can be mapped to a UDR, the class file that defines the method must be installed in the database. The install_jar() procedure installs a Java JAR file in the current database and assigns it a JAR identifier (or JAR ID) for use in subsequent CREATE FUNCTION or CREATE PROCEDURE statements.

    For example:
    -- Installing a jar file
    EXECUTE PROCEDURE sqlj.install_jar
      'admin_jar', 1);
  • sqlj.replace_jar(jar_url varchar(255), jar_id varchar(255))

    The replace_jar() procedure replaces a previously installed JAR file with a new version.

  • sqlj.remove_jar(jar_id varchar(255), undeploy_flag int)

    The remove_jar() procedure removes a previously installed JAR file from the current database.

  • sqlj.alter_java_path(jar_id varchar(255), path lvarchar)

    The alter_java_path() procedure specifies the java-file search path to use when the routine manager resolves related Java classes for the JAR file of a UDR.

For details about jar-naming conventions, see the SQLJ: SQL Routines specification.

All SQLJ built-in procedures are in the sqlj schema.

Both sqlj.install_jar() and sqlj.remove_jar() take a parameter that, when set appropriately, causes the procedure to execute the deployment descriptor files in the JAR file.

For more information about how to install JAR files, see the SQLJ: SQL Routines specification.

The SQLJ: SQL Routines specification has detailed tutorials on writing, registering, installing, and calling routines written in Java code.

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