The IfmxUDTSQLInput interface extends SQLInput, which contains the following public methods:
String readString()
boolean readBoolean()
byte readByte()
short readShort()
int readInt()
long readLong()
float readFloat()
double readDouble()
java.math.BigDecimal readBigDecimal()
byte[] readBytes()
java.sql.Date readDate()
java.sql.Time readTime()
java.sql.Timestamp readTimestamp() readCharacterStream() readAsciiStream() readBinaryStream()
Object readObject()
Ref readRef()
Blob readBlob()
Clob readClob()
Array readArray()
boolean wasNull()
The IfmxUDTSQLInput interface adds the following HCL Informix® methods:
String readString(int maxlen)
byte[] readBytes(int maxlen)
Interval readInterval()
int available();
int length();
IfxUDTInfo getUDTInfo(int xid)
IfxUDTInfo getUDTInfo(String name, String owner)

All the readXXX() methods throw an SQLException when they detect parsing errors. Use the readXXX() methods to convert the buffer of the given Input stream into a Java™ object. When the Input stream is empty, each read method throws an SQLException with e.getErrorcode equal to -79772 or IfxErrMsg.S_BADSQLDATA. However, you can use the length() and available() methods to determine when the Input stream is exhausted while converting variable length UDTs to Java objects.

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