
The IfmxUDTSQLOutput interface extends SQLOutput, which contains the following public methods:
void writeString(String x)
void writeBoolean(boolean x)
void writeByte(byte x)
void writeShort(short x)
void writeInt(int x)
void writeLong(long x)
void writeFloat(float x)
void writeDouble(double x)
void writeBigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal x)
void writeBytes(byte[] x)
void writeDate(java.sql.Date x)
void writeTime(java.sql.Time x)
void writeTimestamp(java.sql.Timestamp x)
void writeCharacterStream( x)
void writeAsciiStream( x)
void writeBinaryStream( x)
void writeObject(SQLData x)
void writeRef(Ref x)
void writeBlob(Blob x)
void writeClob(Clob x)
void writeStruct(Struct x)
void writeArray(Array x)
The IfmxUDTSQLOutput interface adds the following HCL Informix® methods:
void writeString(String x, int length)
void writeBytes(byte[] b, int length)
void writeInterval(Interval intrvl)
int available()
int length()
IfxUDTInfo getUDTInfo(int xid)
IfxUDTInfo getUDTInfo(String name, String owner)

All the writeXXX() methods throw an exception when they encounter conversion errors. Use the Stream write() methods to convert a Java™ object into the given Output buffer. The length() method returns the number of bytes that remain in the buffer. The Informix JDBC Driver 2.0 class files describe the SQLOutput definition.

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