Running join queries by using the wire listener

You can use the wire listener to run join queries on JSON and relational data. The syntax supports collection-to-collection joins, relational-to-relational joins, and collection-to-relational joins. Join queries are supported in sharded environments when parallel sharded queries are enabled.

About this task

Join queries in the wire listener are done by submitting a join query document to the system.join pseudo table.

  • Wire listener join queries support the sort, limit, skip, and explain options that you can set on a MongoDB cursor.
  • Fields that are specified in the sort clause must also be included in the projection clause.
  • The $hint operator is not supported.


  1. Create a join query document. The join query document has the following syntax:
    Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
         '-"-'              '-"-'     
         V                                                                                |     
                        |                     .-,-----------------.   |       
                        |                     V                   |   |       
    This required Informix® JSON operator defines the two or more collections or relational tables that are included in the join.
    This required MongoDB JSON operator applies a projection clause to the table_or_collection_name that is specified.
    This optional MongoDB JSON operator applies a query filter to the table or relational table. You can use any of the supported query operators that are listed here: Query and projection operators.
    This required Informix JSON operator defines how the specified collections or tables are joined. You can specify a condition by mapping a single table column to another single table column, or a single table column to multiple other table columns.
  2. Run a find query against a pseudo table that is named system.join with the join query document specified. For example, in the MongoDB shell:
    > db.system.join.find({join_query_document})


The query results are returned.

Examples of join query document syntax

This example retrieves customer orders that total more than $100. The join query document joins the customer and orders tables, on the customer_num field where the order total is greater than 100. The same query document works if the customers and orders tables are collections, relational tables, or a combination of the two.
This example retrieves the order, shipping, and payment information for order number 1093. The array syntax is used in the $condition syntax of the join query document.
                  {"$project":{order_num: 1,nitems: 1,total: 1,_id:0},
This example retrieves the order and customer information for orders that total more than $1000 and that are shipped to the postal code 10112.

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