Changes for version 10.00

Version 10.00 contains new sysmaster database tables and new SMI tables.

The version 10.00 sysmaster database contains these new tables:

sysdirectives sysbufpool, a system-monitoring interface (SMI)

The following changes were made to other SMI tables:

  • The sysfragments table contains a Partition column and the Flags column now tells you if the fragmentation scheme has partitions.
  • The sysusers table contains a defrole column.
  • The sysams table contains an am_truncate column.
  • The sysprocedures table contains a rtnparameters column for information about INOUT parameters.
  • The syspaghdr table has a pg_pagesize column.
  • The sysptnhdr table has a pagesize column.
  • The sysptnhdr table has a bpoolindx column that indicates which buffer pool the buffer is in.
  • The sysbufhdr table has a bufsize column, which indicates the buffer page size.
  • The sysdbstab and syschktab tables have pagesize columns.
  • The views syschunks and sysdbspaces tables have a pagesize columns.
  • The views systabinfo table has a ti_pagesize column.
  • The views systabpaghdrs and sysphyspaghdrs tables have pg_pagesize columns.

In addition, tables added to the sysscdr database are removed.

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