Upgrading an offline cluster to a fix pack or PID

You can bring a high-availability cluster offline to apply any PID or fix pack of the same version of the database server. For example, you must bring the clusters offline to upgrade the servers to the current fix pack if earlier fix packs were not applied to the server. This procedure is an alternative to the rolling upgrade procedure.


To upgrade offline clusters to a new PID or fix pack:

  1. Stop the Connection Manager by issuing the oncmsm -k connection_manager_name command.
  2. If you are using a High-availability Data Replication (HDR) secondary server as a backup server in case of contingencies:
    1. Quiesce the primary server by issuing an onmode -sy command to prevent user connections to the server.
    2. Force a checkpoint by issuing an onmode –c command on the primary server.
  3. Stop secondary servers in the cluster in the following order:
    1. If you have remote standalone (RS) servers, stop them by issuing the onmode -ky command.
    2. If you have shared disk (SD) servers, stop them by issuing the onmode -ky command.
    3. If you have an HDR secondary server, stop it issuing the onmode -ky command.
  4. Stop the primary server by issuing the onmode -ky command.
  5. On each server, set the INFORMIXDIR environment variable to the full path name for the target installation.
  6. Ensure that all of the necessary configuration files are available in the target installation.
  7. Start the servers in the cluster and perform additional tasks in the following order:
    1. Start the primary server by running an oninit command.
    2. Wait for primary server to be in online (multi-user) mode.
    3. Start the Connection Manager by running an oncmsm command.
    4. Start the HDR secondary server by running an oninit command.
    5. Start SD servers by running an oninit command.
    6. Start RS servers by running an oninit command.

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