Changes for version 12.10

Version 12.10 contains new and changed system catalog tables.

A new table was added to the system catalog:

  • syscdrtsapply, which lists statistics about the time series elements that are applied on target servers.

Version 12.10 includes HCL Informix® Primary Storage Manager catalog tables. These catalog tables contain information about the pools, devices, and objects that are managed by the storage manager.

The sysopclstr table is deprecated because the Informix Optical Subsystem feature was deprecated in 11.70.xC4.

As of 12.10.xC3:

  • The sysautolocate system catalog table indicates which dbspaces are available for automatic table fragmentation.

As of 12.10.xC4:

  • The sysadmin database contains a new table named tenant, which contains information about the tenant databases in a multitenancy environment.
  • The sysindices system catalog table contains two new columns: indexattr and jparam.

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