Display format of FLOAT, DECIMAL, or MONEY data types
The display format of the HCL Informix® FLOAT, DECIMAL, or MONEY data types is specified by the values of the DBMONEY or CLIENT_LOCALE environment variables.
The DBMONEY environment variable takes precedence over the CLIENT_LOCALE environment variable. If you do not set DBMONEY, the locale setting (CLIENT_LOCALE) is used to format the value. By default, DBMONEY is set to a dollar sign and a period ($.), and CLIENT_LOCALE is set to US English (en_us.CP1252). For example, if you set DBMONEY=Pt, the separator becomes a comma (,). A decimal value of 169.0 will then be formatted with a comma: 169,0.
The HCL Informix .NET
Provider determines
display format using the following precedence:
- Connection string
- Environment
- Registry (SetNet settings)
The values in the connection string override all other settings. For more information, see the IBM® Informix Guide to SQL: Reference.