IfxDecimal properties

Table 1. IfxDateTime public properties
Property Type Access notes Description
E IfxDecimal read-only static The value of the irrational number e.
IsFloating System.Boolean read-only This is true if the instance is a floating point number; otherwise it is false.
IsNull System.Boolean read-only This is true if the instance is null otherwise it is false.
IsPositive System.Boolean read-only This is true if the instance is a positive number; otherwise it is false.
MaxPrecision System.Byte read-only static The highest precision (number of significant digits) supported by an IfxDecimal. This is currently 32.
MaxValue IfxDecimal read-only static The largest value that can be held in an IfxDecimal.
MinusOne IfxDecimal read-only static The value -1.
MinValue IfxDecimal read-only static The smallest value that can be held in an IfxDecimal.
Null IfxDecimal read-only static An IfxDecimal that is set to null.
One IfxDecimal read-only static The value 1.
Pi IfxDecimal read-only static The value of the irrational number pi.
Zero IfxDecimal read-only static The value 0.

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