IfxParameterCollection public methods


IfxParameter Add(IfxParameter value)
Adds the IfxParameter object value to the IfxParameterCollection.
IfxParameter Add(System.Object value)
IfxParameter Add(System.String parameterName, System.Object value)
IfxParameter Add(System.String parameterName, IfxType IfxType)
IfxParameter Add(System.String parameterName, IfxType ifxType, System.Int32 
IfxParameter Add(System.String parameterName, IfxType ifxType, System.Int32 
size, System.String sourceColumn)

Create an IfxParameter object using the parameters given, then add it to the IfxParameterCollection. See Create an IfxParameterCollection for information on what each parameter does.

This method returns the IfxParameter that was added.


void IfxParameterCollection.Clear()

Removes all the elements in the IfxParameterCollection object.


System.Boolean IfxParameterCollection.Contains(System.Object value)
System.Boolean IfxParameterCollection.Contains(System.String value)

Gets a value indicating whether a parameter in the collection has the specified source table name.


void IfxParameterCollection.CopyTo(System.Array array, System.Int32  index)

Copies the elements of a collection into an array at a specified index.


System.Collections.IEnumerator IfxParameterCollection.GetEnumerator()

Returns an enumerator to the collection.


System.Int32 IfxParameterCollection.IndexOf(System.Object value)
System.Int32 IfxParameterCollection.IndexOf(System.String value)

Gets the location of the IfxParameter object within the collection.


void IfxParameterCollection.Insert(System.Int32 index, System.Object value)

Inserts a parameter at a specified location.


void IfxParameterCollection.RemoveAt(System.Object value)

Removes the IfxParameter object from the collection.


void IfxParameterCollection.RemoveAt(System.String parameterName)
void IfxParameterCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32 index)

Removes the IfxParameter object named parameterName or at location index from the collection.

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