IfxSmartLOBCreateTimeFlags enumeration

This table indicates the flags that can be set while creating a CLOB or BLOB object. The logical OR operation can be performed on one or more enumeration members listed in this table and assigned to the IfxBlob.Flags or IfxClob.Flags property.

Member Meaning
DontKeepAccessTime If read this means that the smart large object does not keep track of the last time it was accessed.

If written it tells the database server not to track the last access time for this smart large object.

This flag overrides KeepAccessTime if both are given.

KeepAccessTime If read this means that the smart large object keeps track of the last time it was accessed.

If written it tells the database server to track the last access time for this smart large object.

Use of the access time tracking feature causes significant extra work for the database server. Consider carefully before turning it on.

Log If read this means that the database server logs changes to this smart large object in the system log file.

If written it tells the database server to log changes to this smart large object in the system log file.

Consider the extra overhead for the database server and the extra information that will be placed in the system log file before turning this feature on.

NoLog If read this means that changes to this smart large object are not logged in the system log file.

If written it tells the database server not to log changes to this smart large object in the system log file.

This flag overrides Log if both are given.

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