Adding an internal user (UNIX, Linux)
Add internally authenticated users and users who do not have accounts on the host operating system.
- For internal users, the HCL OpenAdmin Tool (OAT) for Informix® requires HCL Informix 11.70.
- To create users with database authentication, Informix 11.70.xC2 or later is required.
- For Informix 11.70.xC3 or later, the mapped user surrogates file must be set up before you can create internal users.
Add users that the database server authenticates by checking their credentials with a hashed password that is stored by the database server. Grant database access to users by mapping each user to the appropriate user and group privileges, regardless of whether these users have operating system accounts on the database server host computer. The users can be mapped to either an operating system user name or an operating system user ID and one or more group IDs. The operating system user names, user IDs, group names, and group IDs specified in /etc/informix/allowed.surrogates control which operating system users and groups can act as surrogates for mapped users.
To add an internal user:
- On the OAT menu, click .
- Click the Internal Users tab.
- Click Add and complete the fields on the Add Internal User page.