Add a Connection to an OAT Group

Use this page to save database-server connection information as an entry in an OAT group.

Prerequisite: For IBM® Informix® Connect or IBM Informix Client Software Development Kit (Client SDK) versions earlier than V3.0, ensure that each connection has a corresponding SQLHOSTS entry on the web server computer.

To test a connection, click Test Connection.

OAT group name
Select the OAT group to add the server connection to.
Informix server name
Enter the name of the database server to connect to.
Informix server name
Enter the name of the computer where the database server is installed.
Informix port
Enter the port number of the computer where the database server is installed.
idsd port
Optional: To enable starting and stopping servers in high availability clusters, enter the idsd service port number. The number is specified in the /etc/services file on the database server. For example: idsd 10000/tcp.
Connection protocol
Select the type of connection to the database server (nettype on UNIX, or PROTOCOL on Windows):
Table 1. Summary of nettype and protocol values
UNIX or Linux: nettype value from the sqlhosts file Windows: protocol value in the SQLHOSTS registry key Description
ontlitcp   TLI (transport layer interface) with TCP/IP protocol
onsocssl onsocssl Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol
onsoctcp onsoctcp Sockets with TCP/IP protocol
Informix user name
Enter the user name for the database server. You can specify user informix or a user who is a member of the operating system Database Server Administrator (DBSA) group. If a user has privileges to run the SQL administration API commands on the database server, you can enter that user name and password.

If the user is a tenant database owner, select Tenant DB owner and enter the name of the database.

Informix password
Enter the valid password for the user specified in the Informix user name field.
Environment variables
Click View/Modify.
  • To define a new environment variable, enter the Variable Name and Value, and click Add.
  • To delete an environment variable, click Delete.
  • To hide the list of environment variables, click Collapse.

To test a connection, click Test Connection.

To save the connection information, you must click Add Connection.

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