Plug-in Manager

Use this page to install, enable, or disable plug-ins for the OpenAdmin Tool (OAT) for Informix®.

Prerequisite: If you created your own plug-in, first copy the compressed plug-in file into the OATDirectory/plugin_install directory. For example: C:\Program Files\OpenAdmin\Apache_2.2.16\htdocs\openadmin\plugin_install. The plug-in is displayed in the Plug-ins Not Yet Installed list on the Plug-in Manager page.
Installed Plug-ins
This list provides the following information about the plug-ins that are installed in OAT.
The name of the plug-in.
The individual or organization that contributed the plug-in.
The version of the plug-in.
Server Version
The earliest version of the IBM® Informix database server that the plug-in supports, as specified in the plug-in xml file.
Latest Installed
An indicator of whether the latest version of the plug-in is installed, based on the URL for updates that is specified in the plug-in xml file. If no URL is specified or OAT cannot access the URL, a question mark (?) is displayed.
Select the check box to enable the plug-in.
Important: The plug-in compressed file is deleted when the plug-in is installed. After the plug-in is uninstalled, it cannot be reinstalled until the plug-in compressed file is restored to the plug-in directory.

Click to uninstall the plug-in.

Plug-ins Not Yet Installed
This list provides the following information about the plug-ins that are ready to be installed.
The name of the plug-in, as specified in the plug-in xml file.
The description of the plug-in, as specified in the plug-in xml file.
The organization or individual that contributed the plug-in, as specified in the plug-in xml file.
The version of the plug-in, as specified in the plug-in xml file.
Server Version
The earliest version of the Informix database server that the plug-in supports, as specified in the plug-in xml file.
Minimum OAT Version
The earliest version of OAT that the plug-in supports, as specified in the plug-in xml file.
Click to install the plug-in. The menu item for the plug-in is displayed on the OAT menu. You can change the position of the menu item for the plug-in on the Menu Manager page.

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