High-Availability Clusters

Use this page to find, monitor, and connect to the servers in high-availability clusters.

  • Add the servers in the high-availability clusters to an OAT group. Only the clusters on servers that are in an OAT group are displayed on the High-Availability Clusters page. To add a server to the OAT group, on the Admin menu of the OpenAdmin Tool (OAT) for Informix®, click Manage Connections > Add Connection.
  • To start a server in a cluster or to add a shared disk (SD) secondary server, install and configure the idsd daemon on the database server. See "Configuring connectivity for high-availability clusters" in the OAT Help.

Find Clusters

Click to find the high-availability clusters in the current OAT group and display them in the Clusters list.


This list displays all clusters that are found in an OAT group. To display the topology and the status of the servers in the cluster, select a cluster. To find the clusters in the OAT group, click Find Clusters.

Cluster Topology

The topology of the selected cluster shows the relationships between the primary server and the secondary servers, including high-availability data replication (HDR), shared disk secondary (SDS), and remote standalone secondary (RSS) servers.

Server list

This list displays information for the servers in the selected cluster:

Primary, HDR, RSS, or SDS.
Server Status
Active or Inactive.
Connection Status
Connected or not connected.
The percentage of the workload the server is carrying.
Lag Time
The time the secondary server required to confirm communication from the primary server.


Important: When you take an SD secondary server offline, the server no longer appears in the cluster in OAT. To restore the SDS server to the OAT display, manually bring the server back online, and then click Find Clusters. When the cluster is found, the SDS server appears in the list of servers for the cluster.

Click to determine if the selected server is online and to change the mode of the server. You can take a server offline or bring a server that is offline back online.


Click to add an SD secondary server connection to the selected cluster.

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