Task Details

Use this page to update the description, time settings, and task parameter values of Scheduler tasks.

Specify the schedule for the Scheduler task by using the configuration fields.

Start Time
Select the beginning time of the allowable time frame in which the task can run. Specify the value by using the 24-hour clock fields. For example, if you want the task to run at or after 2:00 p.m., select 14:00:00.
Stop Time
Select the end time of the allowable time frame in which the task can run. Specify the value by using the 24-hour clock fields. For example, if you want the task to stop running before 7:00 p.m., select 19:00:00. The task runs for the last time until 18:59:59, and then waits until the next allowable time frame to start again.
Specify how often within the allowable time frame the task is run, in days, hours, and minutes. For example, if the allowable time frame is between 14:00:00 and 19:00:00, and you enter 0 Days 0 Hours 15 Minutes, the task runs at 14:00:00. The task repeats every 15 minutes until the last run before 19:00:00, but will not run after 19:00:00. The next run time begins at 14:00:00 for the following day.
Important: The time at which you create the task affects the first execution of the task. If the current time is 15:00:00, using the example above, the task begins to execute 15 minutes after you schedule it, at 15:15:00. It repeats in 15 minutes, and continues through the last execution that begins before 19:00:00. The task stops executing at the stop time and waits until the next day at 14:00:00 to begin the next run.
Data Delete
Specify the length of time, in days, hours, and minutes, until sensor data is deleted from the results table.
Days of the Week
Select Enabled for each day of the week that you want the task to run during the allowable time frame. For the days on which you do not want the task to run, select Disabled. For example, if you want the task to run only on weekends, select Enabled for Saturday and Sunday, and Disabled on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

To enable the task, select the Enable the task check box. To disable the task from running, clear the check box.

If the task has configurable parameters, in the Task Parameters section of the page, click Edit Parameters. The Edit Task Parameters page is displayed.

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