Group Summary Dashboard
Use this page to monitor all the database servers in an OAT group at the same time.
To view more detailed information about a server, click the cells in the row for the server. Click the other tabs to view real-time status reports on performance and resource usage for the current server.
You can make the OpenAdmin Tool (OAT) for Informix® by using the Welcome page. You can change the other dashboards on the page or add dashboards by using the page.
page the home page for theRefresh rate
The server status information on the Group Summary page is refreshed based on the Refresh rate that is set for the page. To improve performance, the page is refreshed with data that is cached in the OAT connections database. The refresh interval for the cache is set from the page. You can also bypass the cache and refresh the data directly from a specific server by clicking the Refresh icon for the server.
Status thresholds
- Memory, Space, and I/O
- The status thresholds for memory, space, and the chunk percentage
of total I/O are the default settings from the IBM® Informix Health Advisor Plug-in
for OpenAdmin Tool (OAT).
Table 1. Status thresholds from the Health Advisor plug-in Dashboard status threshold Health Advisor plug-in alarm threshold Memory OS Free Memory Space Dbspace Free Space I/O: Chunk percentage of total I/O Chunk I/O Operations To change the dashboard status thresholds, change these thresholds in the default profile on the
page.The threshold for the chunk average I/O time is provided by OAT and is not intended to be changed.
- Backups
- The status thresholds for backups are determined by the threshold in the ph_threshold table that indicates the maximum number of days between level-0 backups (REQUIRED LEVEL 0 BACKUP). The threshold is determined as part of the backup strategy for your system and usually does not need to be changed.